“Striche ziehen” & “Grenzpunkt Beton” beim MakeDox in Skopje, MK

STRICHE ZIEHEN” / “Drawing a Line” und “GRENZPUNKT BETON” / “Circuit End Point”

beim MakeDox Filmfestival in Skopje Nord Madzedonien in der Sektion “Country in focus: Germany”

Screening am 26.08. um 20:30 Uhr

Über das Festival:

A young and rarely avant-garde festival celebrating the creative documentary film. One of the most powerful catapults for creating cinema audience in Macedonia. It overwhelms, they say, with its warmth and quality. The wonderful Kurshumli An vibrates with film stories, workshops and live performances, doc-talks under a magical fig tree and music under the night sky. Out in the open, every summer since 2010.

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