Alfred “Shorty” Mährländer (✝︎) RIP

Alfred “Shorty” Mährländer was buried on January 26, 2023 at the Luisenkirchhof III, at Fürstenbrunner Weg in 14059 Berlin. At the grave the rest of the former “Central Council of the roving hash rebels” took care of the generously offered smokes. Whisky was also on tap.

After the premiere of “SPK KOMPLEX” in the program of the Berlinale/ forum at the Q&A, asked about his participation in the film, he shouted into the cinema-hall of the Academy of Arts: “I refuse to testify”.

RIP Shorty!

*28.08.1942 ✝︎ 12.12.2023

The obituary in the TAGESSPIEGEL can be found here: